Set up your Client and Contact Import files

To prevent any errors when importing clients into Pure Workflow, learn how to format your import data correctly on your computer before uploading.

Requirements for all import files

  • The import file must be a .csv file.

  • The import file should contain fewer than 200 rows (multiple uploads are recommended for larger client bases).

  • The file must have a header row.

  • During the import process, you can manually map a column to a property of clients and contacts. If the property does not exist yet, you can create it during import.

Import files for each object type require the following properties:


  • Client details: client name.

  • Contacts: client name, first name, last name, and email.



Example import files

Below are examples of what your files should look like:


  • Clients example spreadsheet [download] Ensure you have the client fields created in your Pure Workflow account first. This will allow you to map accordingly. Settings, Client Fields.

  • Contacts example spreadsheet [download]

These example files are not formatted to act as sample import files as they include certain notes on formatting your import file. Open and view them for further advice on formatting your import file.


Requirements for associating contacts with clients in import files

Every contact row in the CSV import file must have must have a column called Client Name. The value of this column tells Pure Workflow which client should be associated with the contact in the row. Clients must already exist in Pure Workflow before contacts can be associated.


For illustration purposes, if you'd like to associate the contact Jane Smith with the client Acme Ltd., the client name value in the contact CSV row must be Acme Ltd.


Other important considerations

Existing Pure Workflow records in the import file

If you import a file with information for existing records, any existing information will be overwritten by new values you've imported. Pure Workflow checks for an existing record using:


  • For clients, the client name is used to check for an existing client.

  • For contacts, the client name and contact email address is used to check for an existing contact.

If you don't want to overwrite an existing value for a property, you can either include the current value in the relevant column or skip that column during import.


If you want to clear a property value in an existing record, you can do so by setting a blank value in the relevant column.


Duplicate records in the same file

If the import file has duplicate records, Pure Workflow will report an error. Please ensure that there are no rows with duplicate client names when importing clients, or client name and email addresses in your import file.


Automatic association between contacts and companies

Contacts will be automatically associated with client records by matching the client name in the contact CSV row to the client name in Pure Workflow.


Unmatched columns in the import file

If your spreadsheet has a column header that does not correspond to an existing property in Pure Workflow, you can create a custom property for it during the mapping step.


Special characters in the import file

Excel does not always properly save special characters when saving in .csv file format. You can try importing your list into Google Sheet and re-export as CSV to resolve this.


See also:

Importing clients