To see all tasks for your entire team, click Team at the top and open the Work report tab.
![Pure Workflow 193 (1)](
The task list can be sorted by Task, Client, Due By, Next Deadline, or Created On, by clicking on the column header. Clicking a second time reverses the sort order. This is handy, for example, if you want to see tasks with the closest deadlines or those that are overdue.
![Pure Workflow 194 (1)](
The table can be exported in spreadsheet format, and you can narrow the task list by applying a filter.
![Pure Workflow 195 (1)](
In the Filter tasks window, you can filter by one or more task fields or client fields. For example, you can search for tasks based on a specific template, or filter for open tasks owned by a specific team member, for clients who are audit clients.
![Pure Workflow 196 (1)](
Or you can filter to show tasks with one or more task labels. The filter can find tasks with any of the labels, or those that have all of the labels, or those that do not include any of the labels.
![Pure Workflow 197 (1)](
Or you can filter to show tasks based on one or more templates.
![Pure Workflow 198 (1)](
To save a task filter, you can save the filter URL as a favorite.
See also: